Women's Greatest Enemy- ( Existing stereotypes)
India is a country which has tolerance to accept diversities in language, culture, traditions and so on. When we read the sacred texts we come across lines about how women were treated in ancient India? Women were considered as goddess and not a mere object of amusement. I am not taking Feminism here but rather trying to prove a fact that the greatest enemy of a women is not man, but rather women. Yes, its true.
Confused! its women who gives birth and continues to make an effort not to break the ancestral link; to a new born child the values, believes, systems, traditions etc. are all taught by both his/her parents. If women undermine and treats her own child based on superstitious ideologies and believes then; tell me who is her true Enemy? His/her own mother/Parents?
Boys are given education and respect in our society irrespective of how they perform, he is assumed to be the one and only supporting pillar of the family. Is it? Boys in their young age have been watching/ observing his mother working hard at home taking care of the needs put forward by the in-laws, husband, co-sisters etc. What they see is what they learn. Ultimately its the belief that, women are meant to work at home. Her educational qualifications are not even considered or valued.
First and foremost, in a joint family who is the deciding authority? Answer is quite simple its the Mother- In- law ( who is supposed to behave like a mother). Oh yes! even her husband (Father-in-law) will not utter a single word against her will. The typical dialogue would be; I have done enough to my son and husband; its time that a wife /daughter-in-law should manage the house, just the way I did.
Secondly, the first born should be a boy child. Hello! are you even aware of the fact that the male cells (sperms) are responsible for determining the gender of the child? Who is to be blamed at the end of the day if she doesn't give birth to a boy child. Obviously! its the daughter- in- law. Come on!! what if she doesn't conceive? Bhoom! its again daughter-in laws fault. "An easy prey who can be blamed for anything and everything".
Who is the first to blame another women? Its Women ,women, women and women alone. (relatives, neighbors). Who is the culprit who supports to all these wrong deeds; again its a Women. Its like a Chakravyuham.
Third- Mother teachers a girl child about the family responsibilities ( cooking, cleaning, taking care of children), the respectful behavior towards elders, enduring pain, how to hide ones feelings and desires etc, from a very young age. It doesn't even matter for her own mother nor to others if she goes through hell of a life. There is no point in adding a question here as the answer is evident- its her fate, she needs to endure and live on, it doesn't even matter if she lives or dies; she has done a great deal of sin in her past life.
Can't a mother save her own daughter from this scenario? Yes, teach a boy child and other siblings about being united and helping each other when in need. Impart the essential values, believes which are essential for a happy living. Tutor them to compromise; instruct them to share responsibilities and to value everyone irrespective of their age or gender.
Women needs to support of other women rather than trying to undermine her. Things are changing as most of them are educated, due to consistent efforts and success gained by women in multiple professions, she lives a life with dignity and self respect. But greater good and change is yet to be implemented to make her lifestyle an living paradise.
Can we end this? The initiative starts from you? No. This change should start from me. A women who supports others in their decisions, giving an opportunity for my kids to comprehend the value of respecting girls/women. Making them experience the path lead by a women. Convey the essence of giving respect, support, space and to value a women's thoughts and actions in a right way. Dismiss/ burry the old conventional assumptions, measures and superstitious endeavors. Proving a platform to prove themselves.
Its time to implement the change rather than following a wrong path. Our mother nature keeps giving us no matter how much we take from her. Lets educate and adopt value based education for boys especially to other women who needs to preserve and contribute their best to conserve her beauty and elegance.
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