Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Kindness a step to freedom

Kindness a step to freedom

Whenever I see birds flying around freely, I always anticipate of having wings, so that I could fly on an adventures journey. Birds are so fortunate that they are able to enjoy each stroke of air beneath their wings. How fascinating is the fact that they are the most attractive, delicate, amazing creatures in this planet.

 I remember a lovely story which happened long ago when I was 8 years old. Myself and my father where taking an evening walk near the coffee estate, all of a sudden my father saw a cat slowly crouching  which was about to make it’s kill. He ran towards the cat and shooed it away and found a bird lying around with a broken wing. My father gently lifted it from the ground and examined it to spot the injuries. I followed him and gazed at the tiny bird. It was a woodpecker. 

He gently took the bird and kept turmeric powder on the injured area where he saw a small thorn stuck inside her wings. Later the thorn was removed with utmost care and caution. We kept the bird in such a manner that it won’t be able to move its injured wing while attempting to escape.

A week later the dressing was removed but the wound was not fully cured; however my father knew that the bird will be able to manage on its own. On the wall of our house we have left space for ventilation where we kept a nest, fruits and left the bird there. 
As soon as we left her there she flew away.
 I was deeply hurt did not know why, instead of being happy for the bird I cried. My father consoled me saying that the bird was a wild one and it will have its own family to take care of, just like us. I looked at the sky hoping for the bird to come back.
After 2 weeks or so we heard chirping of birds on the ventilation space where we had placed the nest. I called my father immediately to see what was going on. He climbed on to a ladder to see what was in there.  To our surprise it’s the woodpecker. My father’s presence did not scare her and my happiness knew no bounds. A few minutes later she flew away and never came back.

Did the bird come back to show her gratitude, for what we have done for her? Till now we don’t have an answer for the question!!!!

This story inspired me to draw this painting......

birds and freedom

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