Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Illness stops when you stop

 Illness stops when you stop.

I need answers you fool, you are making things worse. Is it lack of awareness? Or lack of intelligence to understand the existing state and facts?

 People say- “No matter what; I am going out. I need my life back, as I am least bothered to listen to the alert messages and notice and act upon it. I cannot sit at home and who is going to? ”. How can you say that? Do you even realize the current situation; I regret to say this, people lives are at stake!

 What will you achieve? What will you accomplish? You are nothing but a burden and a nuisance to the others, community and even to the nation. You are about to ruin the lives of individuals, who are leading their lives peacefully.

 Is it a trick? Or fun play? ; Which will put others lives in danger. How can I make you understand? How can I guide you? When you are not ready to pay attention, to what I say. Will you listen?

Do you find happiness when others suffer? Do you care for others? The misery brought upon others will definitely bring melancholy and nothing else. Do you want it to happen?

It’s nothing but the foolishness and the stupidity which endangers the lives of people, who cares for you. Do not make a scene, where you fall ill and transmit the illness to the people around you.

Comprehend, appreciate and pay attention to the circumstances and events. If you don’t; mankind does not have any option, rather to prepare for the worst, which advanced just because of you. Be a creator and not a destroyer. Let the world see and sense bliss and not despair.

When volcano erupts, it destroys whatever comes in its path; its blazing heat can be felt, even from a distance but when it touches the water body it cools down and doesn't cause any further harm to any living creature. Don’t be a destroyer of mankind rather be a hero; who cares for humanity. So act wisely.

Time for Realization

 Time for Realization

 Human life were people are driven away from their loved ones, a scenario were human life is just like a mere dust particle which travels in the air without any destination; a scenario where human race needs to realize the power and anger felt by the mother nature, for destroying her ruthlessly without any mercy; when she pleaded to be left alone with her sons and daughters. The never ending pain have brought a curse that fell upon the mankind who struggles to survive in the world , who have locked themselves up with fear and agony of losing their loved ones, who are never to be seen in after. Their last breaths are never felt nor sensed; not even a warm tear gushing out of their near and dear. It is so heartbreaking , not see them as they depart from this very earthly existence, just as if they are buried in the catacombs , only difference which can be clearly understood is that the people hidden are not saints but diseased ;who have lost everything including their identity; who are never to be seen nor recognized again. Such pain pierces every living soul, living in this earth, then why such differences?  Differences in opinions, believes, notions, and what not. It’s time to leave them and break the shackles and unite the thoughts and actions which will save humanity from this epidemic.